Nursing Services

Our Mission

To provide the nursing care in international quality standards that provides the best care according to the purposes of the institution; respects the patient and employee rights; protects the ethical values; performs the independent roles in nursing services in a professional manner with professional knowledge and skill.

Our Vision

To be the first preference in national and international platform with a nursing service that follows the modern technology; adopted the integrated approach to human; that is open for change and development; adheres to professional and scientific methods while practicing; and that do not compromise on quality in care.

Our Nursing Philosophy

To love and value people and to treat an individual not only with his/her disease but as a whole with sufficient know-how and skill. According to us, each patient has the right to obtain a reliable care by being treated respectfully, kindly and carefully.

Our Targets

  • To fulfill the needs of our patients individually.
  • To provide the most suitable and accurate care to our patients.
  • To protect our patients` health through scientific methods and with care and compassion.
  • To increase the patient care quality by establishing a system that may assess the quality of the care provided in a significant and timely manner.
  • To ensure that the staff is satisfied with the service he/she provides in the hospital through professional and personal development.
  • To create an environment based on team work and mutual respect.
  • To promote cooperation with other healthcare staff members and team work to fulfill the needs of our patients.
  • To organize in-service trainings for the Healthcare Staff to have equal knowledge and skill.
Published On: 13.12.2013 03:43:55
View: 5228

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