Patient Responsibilities

Obligation to Provide Information 

Our patients are responsible to provide accurate and complete information on the medical history regarding the diseases they had so far, the treatments administered, the drugs used and the changes occurred in their conditions and to notify whether they correctly understood the things expected from them for the procedures to be performed or not.

Obligation to Follow the Recommendations

Our patients are responsible for following the plan developed by the physician, nurses and the relevant healthcare  personnel who are responsible for their treatment after approving the recommended treatment.

Obligation to Reject the Planned Treatment

Our patients are responsible from the results which will arise in case they reject the treatment and fail to follow the instructions of their physicians.

Obligation to Pay For The Examination and Treatment Expenses

  • Our patients should state at admission stage how will they pay and by which institution or organization their healthcare expenses will be defrayed. Our patients are responsible for paying the amount due for the procedures performed for treatment within the time period determined by the institution. If the treatment expenses are covered by any medical assurance, our patients are responsible to submit the relevant referral certificate or the other official documents.
  • In cases which require urgent intervention and treatment, our patients or their legal representatives are responsible to submit the document to be obtained from the patient`s health insurance during the treatment.
  • Our patients who are entitled for free treatment are responsible for confirming this right with documents and for documenting their compliance with free patient care criteria.

Obligation to Comply With Rules and Practices

Our patients are responsible for following the rules and practices of the healthcare institution they attend. In case our patients fail to follow the rules and practices determined and fail to comply with the warnings made, they should be aware that they may be taken out with the suggestion of the authorized physician and the approval of the relevant director.

Obligation to Respect

Our patients are responsible to consider the rights of other patients and the hospital staff. Our patients should follow the rules of our hospital within the hospital in cases which put the patients in danger, in noisy and smoky conditions and when the number of visitors is excessive.

Obligation to Report Infectious Disease

Our patients who are suspected or diagnosed with infectious disease should not request to be discharged without the permission of the authorized physician indicating that it is convenient to leave.

Obligation to Avoid From Inconvenient Requests

Our patients are responsible for not requesting any medications or procedures which are not found suitable and which are not included in the treatment plan by the authorized physician.

Obligation to Comply With Visitor Rules

Our patients are responsible for accepting their visitors within the framework of the rules determined by our hospital.

Indemnification Obligation

Our patients are responsible for indemnifying the damages and losses caused due to misuse or intentionally to the fixtures or consumables of our hospital.

"We will always be aware of your right and we will provide you service by knowing our obligations. We kindly ask you to request service from us by being aware of your obligations."

Published On: 17.12.2013 12:19:38
View: 3292

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