Ear Nose Throat

We are performing diagnosis and treatment of otorhinolaryngologic diseases in our Ear Nose Throat department.

Examinations, tests and treatments of hearing and balance system diseases are performed with endoscopic and microscopic procedures in our department in which diagnosis and treatment methods are based on advanced technology. Otolaryngology surgeries and oncological surgical operations directed to head neck tumors are also successfully performed.

Emergency, outpatient and inpatient treatments are performed with our experienced specialist staff by using up to date diagnosis and treatment methods in the most effective way.

Diseases within the area of service of our Ear Nose Throat department;

Ear Diseases and Hearing Deformations:

Besides treatments of basic ear diseases, procedures requiring surgery such as tympanum repair (tympanoplasty) and treatment of pediatric middle ear diseases are performed.

  • Ear Diseases and Hearing Deformations
  • Ear infections
  • Hearing losses
  • Balance diseases, positional tests
  • Vertigo
  • Ringing

Nose and Sinus Diseases:

Diagnostics and medical and surgical treatments of many diseases affecting the quality of life and basically complaints regarding the inability to breathe through nose, particularly sinusitis, are performed.

  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Nose allergies and allergy tests
  • Smelling deformations
  • Nasal bleedings
  • Nose stuffiness and problems related to view of the nose
  • Nose polyps
  • Diseases such as tear gland obstructions

Throat Diseases:

  • Problems related to adenoid and tonsil (frequent infection and extreme size, etc.)
  • Prolapses in soft palate and uvula causing snoring and sleep apnea.
  • Vocal cord diseases (infection, polyp, nodule, etc.)
  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux (deformations in throat structures caused by gastric acid flow)
  • Masses in lip, tongue and mouth
  • Salivary gland infections, stones and masses
  • Swallowing problems
  • Treatment of infections, masses and tumors in head and neck area
  • Chin joint diseases
  • Treatment of face and chin bone fracture

Pediatric Ear Nose Throat Diseases:

  • Difficulty to breath
  • Middle ear infections
  • Tonsil and adenoid diseases
  • Allergy and sinus diseases
Published On: 04.12.2013 03:07:16
View: 3869

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